'What is "University"?' 7 November 2019 (Teaching and Learning Building)
Whole university element Along with Dr Peter Watts (Director of Foundation Arts) and Dr Ross Wilson, (Director of Liberal Arts), I am organising an event on Thursday 7 November, exploring the question, 'What is "University"?'. A panel of staff from different parts of the University will each give a brief presentation of their response to the questions of what 'university' is, what it should be, and what it might be in the future (focusing particularly on our own university). This will be followed by a chaired conversation (convened by Prof Jeremy Gregory, Pro-Vice Chancellor for the Faculty of Arts) with the audience. As part of this, there will be some discussion in groups (facilitated by Prof Sarah Speight, Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Teaching and Learning). The panel will consist of:
All members of the University are welcome. Further details to follow - but please feel free to use the form below to contact me for information. Student-focused element For roughly the 30 hours before the event above, students will be engaged in the task of producing videos representing student responses to the question, 'What is "University"?' Students from Foundation Arts, Liberal Arts and any others who wish to be involved, will receive some input (on 'Universities Past', 'Universities Present' and 'Universities Future') from Doug, Peter and Ross and will then be tasked with designing, planning and producing a video that in some way presents students' responses and perspectives on what 'university' in England (and particularly Nottingham) is, might be and should be ... all in under 30 hours (and with the help of universities ambassadors). These videos will be on display in the atrium of the Teaching and Learning Building before the whole university event on Thursday evening. Some students will be working with Julian Tenney and his team from the University's 'Learning Technologies' to produce a professional quality video of the whole event, both the 'student-focused' element and the 'whole university' element. |